State of the Market

We are delighted to announce the publication of our report “State of Mergers & Acquisitions in the UK Software & IT Services Sector (SITS)”. This report reviews activity in the first 6 months of 2021 compared to the previous 6 months.

Deal announcements increased by over 40% in the UK SITS sector, compared to an increase of 22% worldwide. The SITS sector also fared well compared to M&A overall in the UK (ie. all sectors) which still increased 24% over the period.

If you would like the current version of our report please click here to request a copy.

We are glad to say from a personal perspective that M&A activity has continued to flourish in Q3, with Prism completing deals in digital learning management and digital marketing during this quarter.

Whilst you may be thinking about re-training as a lorry driver(!), technology does seem ultimately to be one way to increase overall productivity and we are hopeful that investment and deal activity will continue.

We hope to see some of you at our forthcoming live virtual seminars on 12th and 19th October. See below for more details.

Five Ways to Add Value to Your Tech Business
Tuesday 12 October 2021
This seminar explores some of the steps you can take to add value to your tech business before and during the sale process.

Tech Business Valuations and Market Activity
Tuesday 19 October 2021
This seminar takes a look at recent trends in the tech sector M&A market and how tech businesses are valued.

Registration is closed for these virtual seminars, but you can see our current events here.