Blog – February 2019

Recent statistics published by the Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA) for 2018 show that the number of deals increased by 4%. This placed the UK in 17th place globally in terms of growth – well above the US and France. Looking at sectors, ‘IT Consulting & Services’ and ‘Software’ also grew by more than 4%, both in deal volume and also value. This transpired despite the continuing uncertainty over Brexit.

We should not be surprised. When even the last bastion of conservatism – the legal profession – is being disrupted by technology (see AI start-up Luminance valued at $100m after funding round). The effects of cloud and progressive software development in areas such as AI, IoT, FinTech etc. continues unabated and this is likely to continue whatever the ultimate direction that Brexit takes. We see this as contributing to a healthy market in Technology sector M&A for the foreseeable future.