When it Doesn’t go to Plan
Insights by Peter Watson.
It is somewhat rare to get corporate advisors to talk about M&A disasters but that is the theme of the latest Prism seminar!
Over 20 years we’ve had lots of successes, but inevitably some deals just don’t go the way you want. There is always something to be learnt from every deal – successful or otherwise. We’ll be covering the ways to avoid your own deal going south, including plenty of real-life examples and advice from the legal side too.
It’s not too late (yet) to book your own place on the seminar! How To Avoid An M&A Disaster When Selling Your Tech Business is taking place on Tues 20th June.
Some business sales lend themselves to an alternative approach and we are delighted this month to include a guest article on Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT) from Alice Wooler at Birketts LLP – lawyers that we have worked with on many occasions.
Widening share ownership can be a powerful incentive and certainly worth considering as a possible option. Our own thoughts are that EOTs are probably easiest to enable when profits are £1m + but there is no reason that a smaller EOT cannot be performed – but the funding options may be more limited.
Anyhow, certainly worth a read…
See Guest Article: Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT)