Blog – October 2020
State of the Software & IT Services Sector
We continue to live in uncertain times though we are reassured by the largely V shaped recovery of the UK economy, despite the recent spate of local lockdowns.
With prevailing economic trends in mind, we are delighted to announce the publication of our latest report into the State of Mergers & Acquisitions in the Software & IT Services Sector (SITS) – which aims to give you a handle on the current situation in this subset of the wider Technology market.
Based on a review of deal completions and announcements we look at the recent performance of the UK SITS sector and compare this to both the overall M&A market and also the SITS market globally.
The report examines the impact of COVID-19 and demonstrates the resilience of the UK SITS sector, as well as highlighting the increasing prevalence of transactions based on Cloud services and SaaS. It takes a look at the most active acquirers – and examines the rationale behind a selection of deals, whilst also expressing our own thoughts about the future direction of travel.
If you would like a copy, please request it here: www.prismcorporatebroking.com/report