Latest Prism Report Shows UK SITS Deals Back to Historical Norms
Following the interest rate rises over the last couple of years there has been a general slowdown in M&A activity, including in the Software & IT Services (SITS) sector. The Prism team have analysed deal activity in our new short report titled “State of Mergers & Acquisitions in the UK Software & IT Services Sector – October 2023”.
The report delves into M&A market trends, analyses key deal activity and identifies notable transactions to illustrate underlying rationale. It also includes a special feature on the cyber security with insights from an industry expert – Jason Holloway, Director of Security at Conosco.
Peter Watson, Managing Director of Prism adds, “If you are a business owner within the Software and IT Services sector this report should reassure you that the current level of activity, albeit lower than last year, does still represent historical norms. It is very much business as usual and there is no shortage of credit available at the right price.”
You can request your copy of the report here: www.prismcorporatebroking.com/report